List All News ArticlesEMU Architecture Department Chair Prof. Dr. Dinçyürek Attended a Reception Organised by HRH the Prince of Wales
Published Date: Friday, 20 March 2015
His Royal Highness (HRH) The Prince of Wales hosted a reception at St. James Palace to celebrate INTBAU's worldwide success. The Secretary General of the International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism (INTBAU) Cyprus Prof. Dr. Özgür Dinçyürek was present at this special event which hosted individuals and leaders of the relevant organisations who have posed noteworthy contributions for the protection and sustainability of local identity and traditional architecture.
During the reception Prof. Dr. Dinçyürek was introduced to the HRH. The Prince of Wales and provided information about the activities of Cyprus Chapter of INTBAU as well as the common cultural heritage of Cyprus and the sustainability of its multicultural character. Prof. Dr. Dinçyürek also underlined the central role of INTBAU Cyprus and talked about its successful activities such as the organization of the International INTBAU Conference in 2013, the INTBAU College of Traditional Practitioners (ICTP) exhibition in 2013, INTBAU College of Chapters meeting in 2013, numerous seminars, technical visits and workshops which took place during the recent years. He also shared information for the future activities of INTBAU Cyprus.
Prof. Dr. Dinçyürek then emphasized the importance of the preservation of common cultural heritage of Cyprus and the sustainability of its multicultural character. He underlined the central role of INTBAU Cyprus that may contribute in this respect. In total agreement HRH Prince Charles stressed his belief and confidence in the mission of INTBAU Cyprus.
Prior to the reception, Prof. Dinçyürek attended the International INTBAU Congress which hosted important guests from different corners of the world. During the congress, Prof. Dinçyürek presented information on the mission, operations and vision of INTBAU Cyprus. Prof. Dinçyürek also had a chance to exchange information with the chairs of other organisations regarding the development of joint projects.
The International Network for Traditional Building, Architecture and Urbanism (INTBAU) is an international educational charity which works under the Patronage of HRH The Prince of Wales to promote traditional architecture, urbanism and building arts. The Secretariat of the organisation is based in London, United Kingdom. Twenty two national Chapters of INTBAU are established as independent, affiliated charities in countries around the world.
INTBAU's architecture and urban design workshops bring together practitioners, artists and students. By education and training in traditional architecture, urbanism and the building crafts, INTBAU encourages people to maintain and restore traditional buildings, and to build new buildings and places that contribute to traditional environments and improve the quality of life in cities, towns and villages around the world.
Prof. Dr. Dinçyürek stated that INTBAU's 5,000 members are a global force for the continuity of tradition in architecture and building and the promotion of traditional urban design, working to develop programmes tailored to local needs on every continent. Along with Cyprus, 22 national chapters have been formed in Afghanistan, Australia, Canada, Cuba, Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, India, Iran, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Nigeria, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Scandinavia, Spain, the UK and the USA.