October 31, 2015
International Association of People Environment Studies (IAPS)
Culture and Space Network &
Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Architecture Housing Education, Research and Advisory Centre (HERA-C)
The scientific and organizational committee of the International Symposium + Workshop on "Borders: conflict and/or potential - Experiencing Nicosia" is pleased to announce that the symposium will be held in Famagusta & Nicosia hosted by the Eastern Mediterranean University, Faculty of Architecture HERA-C: Housing, Education Research and Advisory Center, between the dates 28 - 31 October 2015. This meeting is the 5th of a series of international symposium + workshop organized by the IAPS -International Association of People-Environment Studies - Network on "Culture and Space", with the objective of bringing together scholars and undergraduate/postgraduate students with an interest in social science from a variety of universities and disciplines.
The first symposium of the network was "Culture and Space in the Home Environment"in Istanbul in 1997, then 'Traditional Environments in a New Millennium: Defining Principles and Professional Practice', in Amasya in 2001, 'Social Change and Spatial Transformation in Housing Environments',in Istanbul in 2005 and 'Revitalizing Built Environments: Re-qualifying Old Places for New Uses',in Istanbul in 2009. These events are now recognized as an established tradition of the IAPS community and in international architectural and urban research, a tradition that combines research studies within an interdisciplinary framework with high relevance for practice. It will be the primary aim of the organizers of this symposium to build on this tradition.
As the venue of IAPS-Culture & Space Network symposium+workshop, Cyprus is the third largest island in the Mediterranean Sea and has also has been experiencing sharp changes in its built environment due to its politically conflicted condition. As a homeland of different cultures, the built and social environment of Cyprus tries to preserve its strong cultural diversity against everyday pressures of the changing socio-economic, physical and political structures on the island.
The existence of different types of conflicts created various impacts on daily lives of the citizens as well as the natural and built environment of the cities. This raises many questions concerning the role and the potential of the conflict within the changing world.
As the capital of Cyprus, Nicosia as a politically divided city has been selected as a venue to create a common understanding on conflicted urban settlements. Built on a rich cultural heritage and diversity, socially and spatially bordered character of this island city enables a wide opportunity for discussing various aspects of conflicts and potentials by focusing on different layers within a multidisciplinary approach.
The main theme focuses on four topics experiencing the divided city of Nicosia:
(any relevant subject related to the physicality of having a political border, a buffer zone, etc).
(issues focusing to the abstract and/or concrete borders, alienation, segregation and population displacement in urban environment).
(everyday use of public space, perception, attachment, snse of place and socio-spatial references).
• Heritage, branding and the image of the city
(topics related to the effects of capitalism on cities, post neoliberal urbanism, heritage, city management and tourism).
As a joint event, IAPS-CS Network organizes its 5th Symposium + Workshop on the theme to enforce an enlarged understanding on this specific case of a divided city. This challenging issue aims to highlight varieties of uses, potentials, collaborations or segregations, evolving new peripheral borders or eliminating the bordering structures of the social or physical environment.
With a reference to the main theme of the activities, throughout the workshop, alternative interfaces are to be investigated via different forms of interpretations, installations, interviews, interventions, documentations, re-mappings, collages, texts and etc. through the supporting keywords, such as:
-Similarity/ Difference
-Active/Passive interventions - Interruption/Communication.
This workshop aims to propose an alternative interface by design within different forms seeking for an understanding of abstract and/or concrete borders of today's world, with a specific focus on Nicosia's divided reality.
Invited Workshop Teams:
1. Workshop Group - Israel
2. Workshop Group - Ireland
3. Workshop Group - Turkey
4. Workshop Group - Cyprus
5. Workshop Group - Cyprus/Italy
6. Workshop Group - Albenia
Toni Fenster
Ken Sterrett, and/or Frank Gaffikin
Demet Mutman, Esra Akbalık, Hale Sinirlioglu
Nil P. Şahin, Resmiye A. Atun,
Alessandro Camiz Gjergji Islami
Method of Workshops:
- Workshops will be organized upon invited workshop conductors.
- Workshop conductors will bring their 5 students from their country.
- Workshop conductors will be giving seminars to the participants.
- Workshops will be supported by invited speakers for the symposium.
- Workshops will take place in 4 complete days together with supported seminars to be given by workshop conductors and invited speakers.
- 4th day is reserved for presentation preparations and final presentation.
Invited Speakers
• Prof.Dr. Hülya Turgut, Turkey, Istanbul
• Prof.Dr. Naciye Doratlı, Cyprus, Famagusta
• Assoc.Prof.Dr. Mukaddes Faslı, Cyprus, Famagusta
• Prof.Dr. Toni Fenster, Israel, Tel Aviv
• Dr. Ken Sterrett & Prof.Dr.Frank Gaffikin, Ireland, Belfast
• Gjergji Islami, Albenia, Tirana
• Assist.Prof.Dr. Allessandro Camiz, Italy, Rome, & Cyprus, Kyrenia
• Esra Can Akbil, Cyprus, Famagusta
• Assist. Prof.Dr. Münevver Özgür Özersay, Cyprus, Famagusta Participants:
Participants will be Students of 3rd-4th-5th years (from various disciplines such as architecture, urban planning, urban design, landscape architecture, sociology, anthropology, etc.)
Number of participants: 20-30 (will work in groups of 4-6)
First Call for participants: August 2015
Workshop Date: 28-31 October 2015
Fee for Students:
100 EUROS (which will cover accommodation, meals, workshop package, pre-workshop and postworkshop publications)
Exhibition of Workshop Results:
Symposium + Workshop results will be collected in a book of abstracts/projects + CD of workshop presentations
Scientific and Organizational
Hülya Turgut, IAPS-Culture & Space Network Coordinator
Şebnem Önal Hoşkara,Dean, Faculty of Architecture, Eastern Mediterranean University
Peter Kellett, IAPS-Culture & Space Network Coordinator
Kağan Günçe HERA-C Director, Faculty of Architecture, Eastern Mediterranean University
Resmiye Alpar Atun Faculty of Architecture, Eastern Mediterranean University
Nil Paşaoğluları Şahin Faculty of Architecture, Eastern Mediterranean University
Esra Akbalık Faculty of Architecture and Design, Maltepe University
Demet Mutman Faculty of Architecture and Design, Maltepe University
Hale Sinirlioglu Faculty of Architecture and Design, Maltepe University
Fatameh Ghafari Tavasoli Faculty of Architecture, Eastern Mediterranean University
IAPS-Culture & Space Network Coordinator
Dean, Faculty of Architecture, Eastern Mediterranean University
IAPS-Culture & Space Network Coordinator
HERA-C Director, Faculty of Architecture, Eastern Mediterranean
Participating Universities
• Tirana Polytechnic, Tirana, Albenia
• Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel
• Queens University of Belfast, Belfast, Ireland
• Maltepe University, Istanbul, Turkey
• Ozyegin University, Istanbul, Turkey
• Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta, Cyprus
• Girne Amearican University, Kyrenia, Cyprus
• International Cyprus University, Nicosia, Cyprus
• Lefke European University, Lefke, Cyprus
P.S : You can download the program from the link below.