December 23, 2010
Dear Colleagues,
You are cordially invited to the 2009-2010 Honors Ceremony. 2009-2010 Honors Ceremony will be held Monday, December 27, at 13:00 in Dr. Hussein Fire Exhibition Hall (A02). This event is open to all students, faculty and staff of the Faculty of Architecture. Families / significant others are welcome to attend. Your participation is kindly requested.
December 1, 2010
Thought to the design of the new parliament building in the Near East University (NEU) to be undertaken by the Cyprus Presidency of the Assembly on 6 October 2010 with the signing of a protocol between the Near East University in North Cyprus, published in the press. Drawbacks of such an application is a multi-dimensional thinking and would like to warn our officials in this regard.
First, to represent the Turkish Cypriot people will be a prestige structure must ensure the quality of the design of the new parliament building and the architecture is known all over the world to get quality, and even the rule of the current path connected to the organization of the competition for the design of such buildings. nonetheless an EU Directive No. 18 of 2004 regulation of competition for the design of public buildings on the budget and the budget required is for smaller structures are required to be offered at least three architectural office. Application of the competition all over the world, the Greek Cypriot side and Turkey carried out a very long time aksatmaksızın. Girls' High School in the northern part of Cyprus in Nicosia, Chamber of Commerce, Limassol and METU Campus Cooperative Central Bank stands as vivid examples of quality in buildings as a result of the competition. In particular, the structure of a state as a result of the intense efforts of the President of the Chamber of Architects Building KTMMOB design competition open architecture, the history of Northern Cyprus will be another successful application.
The design of a structure, such as the opening of the parliament building competition and the quality is worthy of the arrest, and should not be neglected in terms of a process that has been practiced all over the world is very important.
Other public buildings such as the Parliament do not mind not opening the design competition and transparency of how democratic is the destruction of the state.Demokratiklik damaged because those who do the job in such a dignified, democratically elected. Transparency will be damaged, because who is to do the job and according to what the decision given by the professional will not be explained from an objective perspective.
News published in the press, free will and the economic strength of the design of the TRNC Parliament NEU at the direction of the TRNC state contains information that needs it. First KTMMOB determined by the Chamber of Architects and building a service charge depending on the field type and the structure that defines the lower limit of the application to be ignored, if any of the Chamber of Architects is an architect with the result given by the board of that person's honor, ethics is a crime committed against their colleagues.These and other applications all over the world, and is valid for all professionals serving the community. If the thought of such a crime to cause the state is nothing.
In the same way there is the benefit of the state's turn to get free professional service, which is an indicator of modernity is an attitude undermines professionalism. Especially one that educates future professionals in a professional position in the university by the state anti-drift is very sad. Anyone who has money to build a building with a small percentage of that fee paid professionals and social responsibility is the essence of the contemporary business world.
As a result, a new project of the TRNC Parliament Building and the state in order to obtain high-quality design in terms of democratically and not fall into the shadow şeffalığına international / national participation would recommend the organization of a competition. This recommendation is then made available for the design of all public buildings.
November 12, 2010
Our 4th year student in the
Department of Industrial design, in Faculty of Architecture Mehmet
KARTAL won the first prize in the furniture design competition organized
by 35 largest furniture companies in Turkey. 352 projects from students
in 31 universities participated in 6 different categories of this
design competition organized by the Association of furniture producers
of Turkey (MOSDER), and 51 projects participated in the professional
category related to design of furniture for the disables. Among these
projects 31 were awarded.
In the ceremony held in YEM (Yapı Endüstri Merkezi) on 2nd of
November 2010 the winner students were awarded with various prizes in
cash as well as possibility of participation in important International
furniture fairs and summer training in these furniture companies.
Our student in the Department of
Industrial Design, Mehmet KARTAL won the first prize in the bedroom
furniture category with his project related to flexible, demountable and
packable bedroom furniture.
As EMU family we are proud of our student’s success.
Mimarlık Fakültesi, Endüstri Ürünleri
Tasarımı Bölümü’nün 4. sınıf öğrencilerinden Mehmet KARTAL, Türkiye’deki
35 Mobilya devinin açmış olduğu mobilya tasarım yarışmasına katılarak
Birincilik ödülüne layık görüldü. Türkiye Mobilya Sanayicileri
Derneği’nin (MOSDER) bu yıl altıncısını düzenlediği Ulusal Ev
Mobilyaları Tasarım Yarışmasında, 31 üniversiteden, 6 kategoride toplam
352 ve profesyonel kotegorisinde de engellilerin yaşamını kolaylaştıran
mobilyalar konusunda 51 proje yarışmıştır. Değerlendirilen projeler
arasından, mobilya sektörüne iş olanağı açabilecek 31 proje ödüle layık
2 Kasım 2010 tarihinde Yapı Endüstri
Merkezi’nde düzenlenen ödül töreninde, kazanan öğrenciler para ödülünün
yanısıra, MOSDER himayesinde fuarlara katılma, ve MOSDER üyesi
firmalarda iş ve staj imkanı ile ödüllendirildiler. Yatak odası
kategorisinde, Üniversitemiz, Mimarlık Fakültesi, Endüstri Ürünleri
Tasarımı Bölümü’nün başarılı öğrencilerinden Mehmet KARTAL, parçalara
ayrılıp tek kutuda toplanarak taşınabilir yatak odası projesi ile kendi
kategorisinde Birincilik ödülünü kazanmıştır.
November 12, 2010

Students in Department of Industrial Design in Eastern Mediterranean University participated in the first national Industrial Design Departments' Product Design workshop organized by Gazi University in Beypazarı, Turkey. Students from Departments of Industrial Design Departments in Eastern Mediterranean University, Middle East Technical University, Istanbul Technical University, Gazi University, Anadolu University, Işık University and Doğuş University participated in this one week workshop. This workshop was also supported by the Municipality of Beypazarı.
Students in 6 groups developed designs aimed to promote cultural and traditional values of Beypazarı. These products were presented to public on 8th of October. Some of these projects are planned to be realized in future.
Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Endüstri Ürünleri Tasarımı Bölümü öğrencileri Gazi Üniversitesi tarafından organize edilen ve Beypazarı'nda gerçekleştirilen 1. Ulusal Tasarım Bölümleri Ürün Çalıştayı'na katıldılar. Bir hafta süreyle devam eden çalıştaya; Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Orta Doğu Teknik Üniversitesi, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Gazi Üniversitesi, Anadolu Üniversitesi, Işık Üniversitesi, ve Doğuş Üniversitesi Endüstri Ürünleri Tasarım Bölümlerinden gelen öğrenciler ile öğretim elemanları katıldı. Bu çalışma Beypazarı Belediyesi tarafından da desteklendi.
Öğrenciler oluşturdukları altı ayrı grup ile Beypazarı'nın kültürel ve geleneksel değerlerini ortaya çıkaran ürünler tasarladı. Tasarlanan ürünler 8 Ekim Cuma günü Beypazarı Halk Evi'nde jüri üyelerine tanıtıldı. Beypazarı'nı ülke içi ve dışında tanıtmayı amaçlayan bu tasarımların, üzerlerinde gerekli çalışmalar yapıldıktan sonra hayata geçirilmesi amaçlanıyor.
April 15, 2010
Kuzey Kıbrıs'taki ilk ve ortaokullar, Tasarım ve Teknoloji dersi kapsamında, DAÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi ile buluşmaya devam ediyor. 25 ve 29 Mart tarihlerinde Doğu Akdeniz Üniversitesi, Mimarlık Fakültesi İç Mimarlık ve Endüstri Ürünleri Tasarımı Bölümleri, Çanakkale İlkokulu öğrencileri tarafından ziyaret edildi.
Öğretmenleri Ertül Erciyes eşliğinde Endüstri Ürünleri Tasarımı Bölümü, tasarım atölyelerini ziyaret eden öğrencilere, tasarım mesleği konusunda birer sunum yapıldı. Öğrencilerin yoğun ilgiyle izledikleri sunumlardan sonra atölyede, bölüm öğrencileri ve öğretim görevlileri ile tasarım üzerine sohbet ettiler, bilgi aldılar ve çalışmalar yaptılar.