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Staff Detail

Assoc. Prof. Dr. HARUN SEVİNÇ

Assoc. Prof. Dr. HARUN SEVİNÇ

Duty: Faculty Member
Department: Architecture
Office: ARCH 114
Tel: +90 392 630 2234

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2001 - 2007



1987 - 1994



1987 - 1993



Supervised Thesis

Supervised Thesis


  • AHADOLLAH AZAMI (2021). BIPV Form Factor as an Approach for the Energy Performance of Buildings Exemplified for the Location of Tabriz (Iran).[PhD Thesis ,Eastern Mediterranian University].
  • MUBARAK MOHAMMED OSMAN (2019). Adaptation of Climate-Responsive Building Design Strategies and Resilience to Climate Change in the Hot/Arid Region of Khartoum City, Sudan.[PhD Thesis ,Eastern Mediterranian University].
  • DILER HAJI MORAD ALDOSKI (Ongoing). A Sustainable Residential Building Model in North Iraq by Considering Occupant Behavior, Sociocultural Needs,and the Impact on Energy Use.[PhD Thesis ,Eastern Mediterranian University].


  • ABIDA IBRAHIM UMAR (2024). The Use of Passive Cooling Strategies to Achieve Thermal Comfort in Contemporary Multi-storey Building in FCT, Abuja, Nigeria.[Master Thesis ,Eastern Mediterranian University].
  • SİMGE SAYGI (2021). Solar Energy Potential of Building Envelopes in EMU-Campus/Famagusta for the Energy Demand by Means of Efficient PV Application.[Master Thesis ,Eastern Mediterranian University].
  • RANIA KAMAL M. AL-ALI (2020). The Evaluation of Medium-Rise Residential Buildings in Famagusta According to Climate Responsive Design Elements.[Master Thesis ,Eastern Mediterranian University].
  • HALAT M. Z. ALNAQSHABANDY (2020). The Improvement of Housing Façade by Bioclimatic Design Means towards Sustainability: The Case of Duhok City, Iraq.[Master Thesis ,Eastern Mediterranian University].
  • MUHAMMAD ZAHID RAHMAN KHAN (2018). Examining Carbon Dioxide Levels and Replacing Ecodestructive Materials in Factories: The Case-study of Tecno Instruments Pvt. Ltd. in Sialkot.[Master Thesis ,Eastern Mediterranian University].
  • MAHMOUD OURIA (2017). Evaluation of the Solar Energy in Street Spaces Quality Exemplified for Famagusta.[Master Thesis ,Eastern Mediterranian University].
  • AHMED ISMAIL HASSAN MOHAMED ALI (2017). A Methodology for Daylighting Optimisation in Academic Libraries: Case Study of EMU Main Library.[Master Thesis ,Eastern Mediterranian University].
  • MEYSAM SAVEHSHEMSHAKI (2016). Efficiency of Solar Domestic Hot Water System: The Case of Famagusta Northern Cyprus.[Master Thesis ,Eastern Mediterranian University].
  • SEYEDEH AYEH MIRREZAEI (2015). An Ecological Study on Earth Sheltered Housing in Different Climates.[Master Thesis ,Eastern Mediterranian University].
  • FARSHID ROUDI (2015). Understanding Net Zero Energy Building Concept Through Precedents from Different Climate Zones.[Master Thesis ,Eastern Mediterranian University].
  • SAHEL SHAHWARZI (2014). The Evaluation of Office Buildings in terms of Shading Devices.[Master Thesis ,Eastern Mediterranian University].
  • YOUSIF HUSSEIN SULAIMAN MOHAMMED (2014). Appropriate Opening and Layout for Daylighting of Office Spaces: The Case of EMU Faculty of Architecture Office Building.[Master Thesis ,Eastern Mediterranian University].
  • POOYA LOTFABADI (2014). The Evaluation of High-Rise Buildings in Terms of Solar Energy Use.[Master Thesis ,Eastern Mediterranian University].
  • DILER HAJI MORAD ALDOSKI (2014). Learning from Comparative Examples of Passive Houses in Different European Countries.[Master Thesis ,Eastern Mediterranian University].
  • ABDOLVAHID KAHOORZADEH (2013). Improvement of Thermal Comfort in Residential Buildings by Passive Solar Strategies Using Direct Gain Techniques.[Master Thesis ,Eastern Mediterranian University].
  • FARZANEH NAJJARAN (2013). The Use of Renewable Energy in Residential by Means of PV Systems for Approaching Sustainability.[Master Thesis ,Eastern Mediterranian University].
  • ALIREZA JAHANARA (2013). Strategy towards Solar Architecture by Photovolataic for Building Integration.[Master Thesis ,Eastern Mediterranian University].
  • YOUNES BOUKHARI (Ongoing). The Impact of the Organization of Interior Space and the Use of Materials to Ensure Thermal Comfort and Well-Being for the Case of Housing in Ghardai City.[Master Thesis ,Eastern Mediterranian University].


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