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Activities 2010

  • January 22, 2010

    HERA-Center participated Oikodomos Workshop in Universitat Ramon Llull in Barcelona

    HERA-Center participated Oikodomos Workshop in Universitat Ramon Llull in Barcelona

    Dr. Beril Ozmen Mayer and Dr. Nesil Baytin, who are the executive Members of Housing Education Research Advisory Center: HERA-C, have participated the final workshop of the research project "OIKODOMOS: A Virtual Campus to Promote the Study of Dwelling in Contemporary Europe" in 7-13thDecember 2009 in Spain.

    This visit organized by Dr. Ozmen-Mayer from Department of Architecture and Professor Leandro Mandazo Agudin from 'Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura La Salle" as a partial study with master students and assistants, who attended in ARCH 567: Informal Studies on Housing in the fall term in this academic year 2009-2010 in the Department of Architecture of Eastern Mediterranean University.

    The outcome of the Workshop was resulted with some good collaboration opportunities:

    Initially, the HERA-Center of EMU Faculty of Architecture will be one of the partners to the future educational and research activities in this European Housing Research group, including the host University Ramon Llull from Barcelona, Spain; and the other architecture schools as in Ghent, Belgium; Grenoble, France; Bratislava, Slovakia; Lugano, Switzerland; Lisbon, Portugal; Bialystok, Poland.

    Following, an institutional collaboration with a formal protocol between the Department of Architecture of EMU, and 'Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura La Salle" of URL (Universitat Ramon Llull) has been agreed to pursue after a scheduled meeting with Prof. Madrazo, who was the coordinator of this multinational research group.

    HERA-Merkezi Barcelona'da Ramon Llull Universitesinde yapilan Oikodomos Atolye Calismasina katildi

    HERA Merkezi (Housing Education Research Advisory Center) yonetici uyelerinden Dr. Beril Ozmen Mayer and Dr. Nesil Baytin, 7-13 Aralik 2009 tarihleri arasinda yapilan "OIKODOMOS: A Virtual Campus to Promote the Study of Dwelling in Contemporary Europe(Cagdas Avrupa'da Konut Calismalarini Tesvik Etmek icin Sanal Kampus)" sonuc atolyesine katildilar.

    DAU Mimarlik Bolumunden Dr. Ozmen-Mayer ve 'Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura La Salle" dan Profesor Leandro Mandazo Agudin tarafindan organize edilen ziyaret kapsaminda Mimarlik Bolumu 2009-2010 ogretim yili guz somestrinde verilen "ARCH 567: Informal Studies on Housing" dersine kayitli master ogrencileri ve ilgili assistanlar bu calismaya katkida bulundular.

    Atolye calismasi sonuclari bir takim ortak calisma olanaklari saglamistir:

    Oncelikle, DAU Mimarlik Fakultesi HERA-Merkezi Avrupa Konut Arastirma grubunun gelecek egitim ve arastirma calismalari ortagi olarak gorulmustur. Bu gruba uye olan diger universiteler; evsahibi Ramon Llull Universitesi ile Ghent, Belcika; Grenoble, Fransa; Bratislava, Slovakya; Lugano, Isvicre; Lisbon, Portekiz ve Bialystok Polonya'daki mimarlik okullaridir.

    Ayrica, DAU Mimarlik Bolumu ve Ramon Llull Universitesi "Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura La Salle" Okulu arasinda kurumsal isbirligine yonelik resmi protokol yapilmasi karari alinmistir. Ramon Llull Universitesi, uluslararasi arastirma grubu koordinatoru Prof. Madrazo ile yapilan gorusme sonrasi protokolun gerceklestirimesi konusunda anlasmaya varilmistir.

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