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Activities 2011

  • October 24, 2011

    World Architecture Day Celebrated

    Old  electricty  and former President of  Turkey  Human Rights Foundation President MimarYavuz Önen entertained.


    Eastern  Mediterranean University (EMU), Faculty of Architecture, on Monday 3 October 2011, at 13:30, Activity Center Hall Architects Day events took place under the Ancient World electricty and former President of  Turkey  Human Rights Foundation President MimarYavuz Önen entertained. "Human Rights" is celebrated with the theme of this year's World  Day of Architecture 'ndeYavuz Onen MimarlıkFakültesi students EMU 2011 - The first class quality of 2012Akademik Year "Architecture and Human Rights", made a presentation on. The provision of human rights and the general description of the responsibilities of tasarımcılarınsosyal yapanYavuz Onen, Turkey 's have a party in the area of law that is the subject of human rights, he said.

    After the collapse of the Twin Towers on human rights Onen indicating that the second phase, half of the world's land in the world today has been the actual and physical intervention, and can give them the issue of immigration as the greatest example is emphasized. The point of view of architects and related trade associations geniştuttuklarını not worked in terms of the architects work only stressed that social problems moving dadüşünerek business life. 
    Yavuz Onen, architecture, design work, and many, though related to your work or daily life is intertwined and recalled from individuals to the Chamber of Architects followed a policy of evaluating the society said.
    Onen,  Turkey 'said the establishment of the Human Rights Association in 1983, the Chamber of Architects urban temeldüşüncelerinin investigating the relationship of human rights and the legal bond formed, he said.  Turkey in the 1950s, the development of rural-urban migration has begun and professional environment that has become uncontrollable. As a result of the migration of the Chamber of Architects of 65% -70 detection of illegal structures in the settlements has occurred and as a consequence of the  choice that i have errors, unsanitary living conditions caused by the formation of çarpıklaşmaya he added.

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